Contact ddddoc and hot wire your sites by using blogs as flyers to sell your shops & self on line. After all a first page hit on google with your shop on the page, is better than not at all in a search.

Would you pay someone money simply because they sent you an idea which you could take and claim as your own. Or would you chuck a few pence in the face of a peasant with a good idea where your best men are failing to supply one. This guy did and is offering you and the other tooth paste makers, in on buying this add idea for your next advertisement by dddoc.

Dear Colgate my name is David Cameron and I have a commercial idea for you guys.
We the people of late on TV are being told two minutes is how long to brush your teeth for.
So why not make small “2 minute stop watches“, which you give away in each box in a promotional add campaign.
In the boxes of Colgate tooth paste are one off collector items for the user to have in the bath room to time brushing for perfect Colgate cleanliness.

You could then mass produce and sell the watches in shops, on the £1 Items display with the nail clippers and needles and thread

Bids sent to email address

Anyone can take this idea dumb ass and not pay for it.
Well lets say someone did use it without paying, everyone will see this blogs date and when it was published.
Thus proves the idea to be mine so that someone would be seen as a thieving, dirty bastard and who needs a hard core blogger, bloging your company down.
Its just business. But dood they could still steal it? Ye! and they'd be seem as thieving dirty bastards bro!
Yeah but dood, who cares? It's just business.

Read the reviews of this young ispiring writer whose set to storm the globe.

There wasn't one track on this site i'd ever want to hear again, said Martin Bawbag. Of Wee martins pointless wee fanzine.

Dan Ilkimiki of the bigM Wrote. This is why people choose to watch porn on the net when this ilk is dishing out cats piss all over the place.

So come and listen to this great new off the wall talent and be a true suporter of dddocmusic. Where others have failed.

dddoc comedy sketches for sale

Sunday, 21 April 2013

From Paisley Based Property Photographer

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